Event Terms and Conditions

I. General provisions

  1. The Event is organized by Grupa4BIM sp. z o. o. with its registered office in Kraków, ul. Królewska 57, NIP 677-246-79-13, REGON: 389844334, hereinafter referred to as the Organizer.
  2. The type, scope, date and duration of the event are indicated on the website https://g4bim.com/courses/

II. Rules for participation

  1. The Event Programme can be found at https://g4bim.com/courses.
  2. The organizer reserves the right to change the program. The Organizer will inform about the changes on the website and by e-mail (in the case of registered participants).
  3. The Event is open to persons who have registered via the form available on the website https://g4bim.com/registration/, bye-mail or by phone.
  4. Registering to participate in the Event is tantamount to accepting these regulations.
  5. The fee for participation in the Event includes:
    1. participation in the Event,
    2. training materials.
  6. The condition for using the 50% student discount is to present a valid student ID card on the first day of the Event. Lack or failure to present a valid student ID to the organizer results in the need to pay the equivalent of the student discount before starting the training.
  7. Participants of the Event shall cover the costs of travel to the place of the Event and the costs of return, as well as possible accommodation.
  8. Information on fees and conditions of registration is published on the website https://g4bim.com/registration/.
  9. The condition for participation in the Event is registration and payment of the full amount for participation to the account provided on the Eventcalendar In the event of failure to make the full, required payment for the Event, the Organizer reserves the right to refuse to participate in the Event to a registered person.
  10. The organizer is authorized to issue an invoice without the recipient’s signature.
  11. The deadline for submission to the selected Event is 12:00 noon on the day preceding the start of the Event.
  12. The fee for participation in the Event paid by one participant may be transferred to another, provided that the information about the change is provided to the Organizer no later than 2 days before the start of the Event.
  13. In the event of cancellation of the Event for reasons attributable to the Organizer, theparticipant is entitled to a 100% refund of the costs of participation. In the event of cancellation of the Event for reasons beyond the Organizer ‘scontrol, which makes it impossible to conduct the Event, the participant is entitled to a 100% refund of the costs of participation. The Organizer shall not be liable for claims for damages in this respect.

III. Complaint procedure

  1. Each participant of the Event has the right to submit complaints regarding the Event within fourteen working days from the date of the end of the Event.
  2. Complaints should be submitted in writing by registered letter to the Organizer’s address indicated in these regulations in point I.1. or by e-mail to the following address: kontakt@g4bim.pl
  3. The complaint should contain:
    1. the name and surname of the Eventparticipant,
    2. address of the registered office/residence of the Eventparticipant,
    3. the subject of the complaint (name of the service, date and place of performance, etc.),
    4. substantive and formal justification of the complaint,
    5. expectations of the Event participant towards the Organizer.
  4. The submitted complaint will be considered no later than within fourteen working days counted from the moment of receipt of the notification by the Organizer, and in cases requiring additional explanatory actions, the time of considering the complaint may be extended.
  5. The Organizer reserves the right to leave the complaint without consideration if the complaint is submitted after exceeding the deadline referred to in point III.1 or if it results from ignorance of the provisions of these regulations.

IV. Safety

  1. The Organizer is not responsible for items left, lost or stolen during the Event.
  2. Participants are obliged to comply with the safety rules, health and safety and fire protection regulations in force at the facility where the Event is organized.

V. Other matters

  1. The event may be filmed and photographed by the Organiser.
  2. Notification of participation is tantamount to the transfer of proprietary copyrights to recordings and photos and the consent of the participant to their commercial distribution. The above arrangements apply if the participant is filmed or photographed during participation in the Event in the host’s environment and if the participant voluntarily agrees to an interview in front of the camera or posing for a photo.
  3. By applying to participate in the Event, the participant also agrees to the processing of personal data by the Organizer for the purposes of the Event and on the terms resulting from generally applicable law, with particular emphasis on the Act on the Protection of Personal Data of August 29, 1997 (Journal Of Laws No. 133. Item 833, as amended).
  4. In matters not specified in the above regulations, the provisions of the Civil Code shall apply.

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