Digitization of the Construction Process in Poland Part 2
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BIM Implementation in Poland

Digitization of the Construction Process in Poland, Part 2

The Ministry of Development, as part of the action: Digitization of the construction process in Poland, published a Roadmap for the implementation of the BIM methodology in public procurement in July 2020 [1]. The document outlines the framework for introducing BIM in Poland, particularly in legislation and the public procurement system. The implementation is planned for the years 2021 – 2030.

This series of posts has two parts:

  1. Digitalization of the Construction Process in Poland Part 1
  2. Digitization of the Construction Process in Poland, Part 2

“Figure 1: Roadmap for the implementation of BIM methodology in public procurement”
source: Digitization of the construction process in Poland; Roadmap for the implementation of BIM methodology in public procurement. PWC, EC, MINISTRY OF DEVELOPMENT; July 2020

The most important points of the roadmap include the development of a matrix of elements for the BIM implementation strategy and its execution schedule.


“Figure 2: Matrix of elements for implementing the BIM strategy”
source: Digitization of the construction process in Poland; Roadmap for the implementation of BIM methodology in public procurement. PWC, EC, MINISTRY OF DEVELOPMENT; July 2020

Below is a list of elements included in the “BIM for Poland” matrix:

Investment stages (each comes with necessary training) – BIM Implementation in Poland

1 – Work plan (guiding strategies, such as this document for the Roadmap or the “Poland 2030. Third Wave of Modernity” strategy; Polish BIM standards; new definition of investment phases; ICT development; roles in BIM processes; investment in R&D activities; industry cooperation with academia; full-time studies; work on “win-win” contracts; definition of pilot projects; media work to promote BIM in Poland);

2 – MacroBIM (construction investment programming; SWZ (Specification of Contract Conditions) + BIM; BIM Protocol; Target Cost and new types of cooperative contracts; Systems & Design Thinking);

3 – Capital phase (design and execution – asset delivery: pre-contract BEP + BEP; AIR + OIR + PIR + EIR; MIDP + TIDP; Risk Register and risk management; automation – prefabrication; PIM – Project Information Model);

4 – Operational phase (Facility Management in business operations and object exploitation throughout the entire life cycle of the investment asset – asset management: COBie; AIM – Asset Information Model; Digital Twins; Life Cycle Assessment; recommended development: Digitally Built Poland (based on Digital Built Britain)

Substantive basis (along with necessary training):

A – Technology (top-down and bottom-up initiatives; information structuring and standardization – standards; CDE; software and hardware; Big Data; Edge Computing; open formats and technological support);

B – Cybersecurity (GDPR; copyrights; DLT – Distributed Ledger Technology – distributed processing; Cybersecurity reports);

C – Lean Methods (lossless proceeding methods for construction investments: human factor – Integrated Team; Lean tools from industry – TPS – Toyota Production System; Agile – agile methods – Scrum; TVD – Target Value Design; LPS – Last Planner® System – schedules; CbA – Choosing by Advantages);

D – Classification, LOG/LOI (classification standards; construction classification for Poland; LOD = LOG + LOI; Decoupling – separation of geometric and alphanumeric information; object libraries);

E – Ecology (Sustainable development; Circular Economy; Low emission and energy efficiency; PED – Positive Energy Districts; Bottom-up initiatives).

MacroBIM: a modern approach to public procurement

It is worth noting that the matrix includes an additional phase in the investment process, called MacroBIM. This is the investment programming phase in financial terms. In the Roadmap, the MacroBIM phase is part of the public procurement procedure.

“In principle, MacroBIM constitutes a phase in which contractors present a volumetric or functional system concept based on the requirements of the contracting authority, formulated in the SWZ document with BIM methodology elements. Along with the concept, contractors submit an indicative cost calculation of the object (special catalogs prepared for this purpose exist on the market). The indicative cost calculation is then verified with market prices. Price indices, apart from the schematic volumetric-functional concept, form an essential part of the submitted offers. They serve to assess whether the investment can be realized within the contracting authority’s budget. In case of positive evaluation and acceptance of the proposed concept by the contracting authority, these indices are used to negotiate the Target Cost of the planned project between the contractors submitting initial offers and the contracting authority.” [1]

The most significant difference between this approach and the currently most commonly used public procurement procedure, the open tender, is its two-step nature. It allows for an initial check of the investment’s profitability and the possibility of refining the offer and negotiating the Target Cost.

Below is the adoption schedule of the matrix in parts (divided into nodes). In 2021, the strategy’s adoption is planned, in 2022 the implementation of BIM in central-level public procurement, and from 2025 in all public procurement above EUR 10 million.

What’s next? BIM Implementation in Poland

The year 2030 has been indicated as the beginning of the mandatory use of BIM in public procurement. Wwithout budget threshold.

“Figure 3: 2D Schedule”
source: Digitization of the construction process in Poland; Roadmap for the implementation of BIM methodology in public procurement. PWC, EC, MINISTRY OF DEVELOPMENT; July 2020

BIM Implementation in Poland

“Figure 4: 3D Schedule”
source: Digitization of the construction process in Poland; Roadmap for the implementation of BIM methodology in public procurement. PWC, EC, MINISTRY OF DEVELOPMENT; July 2020

On March 12, 2021, Grupa4BIM conducted a webinar dedicated to public administration. The webinar was held in cooperation. With the Association of Municipalities and Counties of Małopolska and the South Poland Cleantech Cluster. The title was “The state of BIM implementation – changes in the Building Law and the need to adapt offices to electronic processing of construction documentation”.

You can watch the recording of the webinar at: https://youtu.be/yUA0_JuMaHk

The study “Digitization of the construction process in Poland – Roadmap for the implementation of BIM methodology in public procurement”. Can be downloaded from this link -> https://www.gov.pl/web/rozwoj-praca-technologia/cyfryzacja-procesu-budowlanego-w-polsce–zakonczenie-projektu


[1] Digitization of the construction process in Poland; Roadmap for the implementation of BIM methodology in public procurement. PWC, EC, MINISTRY OF DEVELOPMENT; July 2020

About the author
Krzysztof Knapik
BIM Manager
Structural designer with unlimited licenses; developed standards for the Central Communication Port (CPK); specialist in Agile and Lean project management methods (Prince2 Certificate); Certified Autodesk Instructor.

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