Digitalization of the Construction Process in Poland Part 1
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Digitalization of construction processes

Digitalization of the Construction Process in Poland Part 1

OPreparing construction designs and submitting them to Offices in electronic form? The digitalization of construction processes in Poland, which until recently seemed like science fiction, is slowly becoming a reality. For now, it is in the form of changes in the existing regulations, and the coming months will verify how well the offices will handle the new way of communication and documentation approval.

On January 4, 2021, the Act of December 10, 2020, on the amendment of certain acts supporting the development of housing (Journal of Laws 2021, item 11) was published, allowing for the submission of applications in the construction process in electronic form. Read about the Digitalization of construction processes.

This series of entries has two parts:

  1. Digitalization of the Construction Process in Poland Part 1
  2. Digitization of the Construction Process in Poland, Part 2

The process is divided into four stages:

Digitalization of construction processes

Stage one (05.01.2021)

The possibility of electronically submitting applications for the issuance of decisions on exemptions from the application of regulations concerning the obligations of the site manager (Art. 45a of the Construction Law) has emerged.

Stage two (19.01.2021)

It became possible to attach (to the site development project) copies of the following documents to the notification (instead of originals):

  • results of the road safety audit (according to Art. 24l section 1 of the Act of March 21, 1985, on public roads) and the justification of the road manager, fire safety agreements in the case of notifying the construction of:
    • tank installations for liquefied gas with a single tank of up to 7 m3, intended to supply gas installations in single-family residential buildings,
    • LNG regasification stations with a gas storage tank capacity of up to 10 m3.
  • fire safety agreements in the case of notifying the installation of agricultural biogas micro-installations,

Stage three (04.02.2021)

The possibility of electronically submitting applications concerning the simplest procedures (documents in copy form), including:

  • notification of the start of construction works,
  • permit for demolition and notification of demolition,
  • notification of construction or construction works (this does not apply to notifications to which the site development project or construction permit design must be attached),
  • transfer of the construction permit decision, resumption of construction works,
  • change of use,
  • entry onto a neighbouring property,

Stage four part 1 (01.07.2021) – Digitalization of construction processes

From July 1, 2021, the investor will have the possibility to submit electronic applications (including documents in copy form):

  • for a construction permit along with a construction project prepared in electronic form,
  • a separate application for the approval of the construction project,
  • for a deviation from technical and construction regulations,
  • for a change in the construction permit,
  • for the construction of a temporary object, simplified legalization procedure, notification of construction completion, etc.

Additionally, there will no longer be an obligation for the designer to certify the compliance of the map on which the site development project is prepared with the original. From July 1, 2021, the investor will therefore have the possibility to submit electronic applications, including:

  • for a construction permit along with a construction project prepared in electronic form,
  • a separate application for the approval of the construction project,
  • for a deviation from technical and construction regulations,
  • for a change in the construction permit,
  • for the construction of a temporary object, simplified legalization procedure, notification of construction completion, etc.

Stage four part 2 (05.07.2021 – considering Art. 25 of the Act) – Digitalization of construction processes

It will be possible to make a notification to which the site development project or construction permit design must be attached.

So far, the preparation of the administration for the digitalization process does not look promising.

According to a survey conducted by the General Office of Building Control (GUNB) in architectural and construction administration bodies (275 respondents), more than one-third of the respondents do not understand the processing of applications in digital form, and one in four officials has doubts in this matter. One in five respondents admitted to working with files in vector PDF format. Only one-third of the respondents believe that working with 2D files will not cause them problems. Only a few (about 5.5%) will manage with 3D files…


About the author
Krzysztof Knapik
BIM Manager
Structural designer with unlimited licenses; developed standards for the Central Communication Port (CPK); specialist in Agile and Lean project management methods (Prince2 Certificate); Certified Autodesk Instructor.

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